Marina Albertocchi, Silvia Martina Bertesago


The paper focuses on relationships and influences originated by Cretan coroplastic production on Western first occurences of terracotta figurines. In the first part of the paper we will analyze the value of the myth referred to Daedalus and his (presumed) role in the first plastic finds in Sicily, particularly in the area of Gela and Agrigento. In fact, the very few terracottas imported or directly influenced by Cretan production, here presented, are found only in this part of the island in sanctuaires dedicated to femal deities. We can surely talk about a weak stylistic influence, due in some way to the partecipation of a Cretan group in Geloan colonial enterprise; this influence has concurred, togheter with other ones, to create the own stylistical languages of the Sicilian poleis.

The studies on the terracottas of daedalic style documented in Magna Graecia have a more recent tradition than those on Sicilian production; mainly Peloponnesian influences on the artifacts have been recognized. Only in the last decade there has been a renewed interest for the Southern Italy production of the orientalizing period and new researches tend to revalue the role of the Cretan tradition. In the second part of the paper, analyzing few artifacts and reconsidering some of the most significant hypothesis, we try therefore to propose again the question of the Cretan influences on the coroplastic production of Magna Graecia with a particular attention for the Tarantine area.

Parole chiave

Coroplastic production; Terracotta figurines; Sicilian poleis; Magna Grecia; Cretan tradition

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