Dario Puglisi


In the centenary of the Italian researches at Haghia Triada, we propose a review of the LM I archaeological evidence from the old (1902-1914) and the new (1977-1999) excavations at the site. On the basis of recent analytical examination of the new pottery deposits, we distinguish two phases in the LM IA settlement, and one in the LM IB, and we assume an immediate reoccupation of the site after the destruction of the Villa Reale. Regarding the functional interpretation of the architectural structures, we emphasize the religious role of the Villa Reale. It was provided whit «Residential Quarters» and porticoed courts (Piazzale Superiore, Piazzale Inferiore) for ritual/ceremonial purposes and was perhaps a sacred and public building. Furthermore, we hypothetically recognize two other cult centres at the site, Casa Est and Casa del Lebete. Finally, we discuss the possibility that c.d. Tomba degli Ori had been used forfunerary depositions since LM I and the adjoining Complesso della Mazza di Breccia was connected with the minor activities of death rituals. Therefore, we would identify four functional poles in the settlement’s structure: a religious one (Villa Reale, PiazzaleSuperiore, Casa Est, Piazzale Inferiore, Casa del Lebete), one for storage (Edificio Ciclopico, Bastione, Piazzale Inferiore), a residential (Villaggio) and a funerary one (c.d. Tomba degli Ori).

In conclusion, we observe a strong continuity in the urban and architectural organization of the settlement, starting from the general reconstruction at the end of MM IIIB/TM IA until the LM IB destruction (and later, in the LM IIIA2  rearrangement), and we assume that the political power in LM Messarà had a collective and not a very hierarchical structure.

Parole chiave

In the centenary of the Italian researches at Haghia Triada, we propose a review of the LM I archaeological evidence from the old (1902-1914) and the new (1977-1999) excavations at the site. On the basis of recent analytical examination of the new pottery

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