This paper describes the excavations, restoration and study activities conducted at Prinias in 2009 and 2010 by an archaeological mission of Catania University and the Istituto per i Beni Archeologici e Monumentali of the CNR.
The excavations were carried out in the area of Temple A (by A. Pautasso), in two locations to the south of temple B (by R. Gigli and D. Palermo respectively), and on the western slope of the plateau (by S. Rizza). In the first area, A. Pautasso investigated a series of rooms situated to the West of the temple and in part obliterated by its construction, clarifying the various phases of use of the area and also uncovering two fragments of sculptures (a sphinx and a bull) belonging to the temple decoration. In the area of temple B the excavations were conducted in two sectors. R. Gigli focused on the area to the south of the temple uncovering new buildings which have enabled us to pinpoint an interesting organization of this part of the town. Here, four main buildings, of similar plan but perhaps of different function, had their facades aligned along the western side of a large court. D. Palermo focused on the large building to the south of temple B, and more specifically on its westernmost room which was furnished with a large three-pillar complex of undoubtedly religious nature, and he was able to clarify not only its chronology but also the occupation history of this area of the plateau between the proto-geometric and Orientalizing periods.
Three trenches were opened by S. Rizza on the western slopes of the plateau, along a long tract of fortification wall which had been previously identified, and possibly dated back to the VII century BC.
In 2009 and 2010 G. Biondi commenced study of some materials retrieved from several sites identified in the ’80s during a survey carried out in the territory in cooperation with the KG Eforia.
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